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Some of the publications below are cited by other authors. Information available at:
Neuroscience Citation Index (ISI), SCOPUS (Elsevier), Engineering Village

Books and book chapters
[1] Ciocoiu, I.B., Retele neurale artificiale, Editura Cantes, Iasi, 2001, ISBN 973-8173-16-7: Contents
[2] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Dynamic RBF networks", in: Radial Basis Function Networks I, R.J. Howlett, and L.C. Jain (Eds.), Physica-Verlag (Springer), Heidelberg, pp. 1-30, 2001: HTML | Contents
[3] Ciocoiu, I.B., Grigoraş,V., Tehnici moderne de procesare a semnalelor, Editura CERMI, Iaşi, 2005, ISBN 973-667-160-7: Contents
[4] Ciocoiu, I.B., “Localized versus Locality Preserving Representation Methods in Face Recognition Tasks”, in: Intelligent Systems and Technologies - Methods and Applications, H.N. Teodorescu, J. Watada, and L. Jain (Eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 81-104, 2009: HTML | Contents

Journal papers
[1] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Analog decoding using a gradient-type neural network", IEEE Trans. Neural Networks,  vol. 7, (4), pp. 1034-1038, 1996 pdfIcon
[2] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Radial basis functions with FIR/IIR synapses", Neural Processing Letters, vol. 3, (1), pp. 17-22, 1996
[3] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Time series analysis using  RBF networks with FIR/IIR synapses", Neurocomputing, vol. 20, (1), pp. 57-66, 1998 pdfIcon
[4] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Memory search using tunelling effect", Electronics Letters, vol. 35, (10), pp. 820-821, 1999
[5] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Hybrid feedforward neural networks  for solving classification problems", Neural Processing Letters, vol. 16, pp. 81-91, 2002 pdfIcon
[6] Ciocoiu, I.B., "RBF networks training using a dual extended Kalman filter", Neurocomputing, vol. 48, (1-4), 2002, pp. 57-66 pdfIcon
[7] Ciocoiu, I.B., Costin, H.N., "Localized vs. locality preserving subspace projections for face recognition", EURASIP J. on Video and Image Processing, 2007 pdfIcon
[8] Ciocoiu, I.B., “Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Analog Recurrent Associative Memories”, Neurocomputing, vol. 73, ( 1-3), pp. 119-126, 2009 pdfIcon

Conference proceedings (selected)
[1] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Circuit implementation of a nonmonotone activation function", Proc. IEEE ISCAS'94, London, pp. 363-366, 1994
[2] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Chaotic time series prediction: a  comparison between four neural  approaches", Proc. ECCTD'97, Budapest, pp. 1222-1225, 1997
[3] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Chaotic time series prediction using wavelet decomposition", Proc. EUFIT'97, Aachen, pp. 2453-2456, 1997 pdfIcon
[4] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Training RBF networks with the Kalman filter", Proc. IEEE ISCAS'98, Monterrey, 1998
[5] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Dual extended Kalman filter algorithm for training RBF networks", Proc. ECCTD'99, Stresa, pp.  539-542, 1999 pdfIcon
[6] R. Suchar, I.B. Ciocoiu, A. Brezulianu, C. Bonciu, "Stock market predictions using a hybrid neuro-genetic approach", Proc. SCFM'99, 1999
[7] R. Suchar, B. Schalling, I.B. Ciocoiu, A. Brezulianu, "Active noise control with artificial neural experts", Proc. FISITA 2000, Seoul,  2000 pdfIcon
[8] R. Suchar, R. Schalling, I.B. Ciocoiu, A. Brezulianu, C. Bonciu, "Noise analysis and modelling with neural networks and genetic algorithms", Proc. FISITA  2000, pdfIcon
[8] Ciocoiu, I.B., "A modular feedforward network for solving classification problems", Proc. LFTNC 2001, Siena, pp. 69-72, 2001 pdfIcon
[9] Goras, L., Ciocoiu, I., David, E., Ungureanu, P., "On nonlinear filtering using two-grid coupled CNN", Proc. ECCTD'03, Cracovia, pp. 448-451, 2003 pdfIcon
[10] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Face recognition using recurrent high-order associative memories", Proc. ESANN'04, Bruges, pp. 567-572, 2004
[11] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Occluded face recognition using parts-based representation methods", Proc. ECCTD'05, Cork, pp. 315-318, 2005
[12] Ciocoiu, I.B., "ECG signal compression using wavelet foveation and SPIHT", Proc. ECCTD'09, Antalya, pp. 413-416, 2009
[13] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Single channel fetal ECG recovery using sparse redundant representations", Proc. ISSCS 2011, Iasi, Romania, 2011
[14] Ciocoiu, I.B., "Foveated Compressed Sensing", Proc. ECCTD 2011, Linkoping, pp. 29-32, 2011