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Signals, Circuits, and Systems
All specialization tracks, 2-nd year
No. of credits: 7
Goraş. L., Manolakis, Signals, circuits, and systems, course notes
Lab info
General description

The course focuses on basic analog modulation/demodulation techniques and stability analysis for linear time-invariant analog systems. Specific topics include amplitude modulation using harmonic and periodic impulse carriers, frequency/phase modulation, and associated demodulation techniques. General stability aspects and specific criteria for feedback systems are also introduced. Additional subjects include state-equation description of analog systems and basic introduction to the synthesis of electrical circuits.

 Course outline
 Lecture 1:
 More info:
 Lab 1
Amplitude modulation using harmonic carrier: mathematical description. waveforms, spectrum. Demodulation techniques.
 Lecture 2:
 Lab 2
Amplitude modulation using periodic impulse carrier: mathematical description. waveforms, spectrum. Demodulation techniques.
 Lecture 3:
 More info:
 Lab 3
Frequency/phase modulation using harmonic carrier: mathematical description. waveforms, spectrum. Demodulation techniques.
 Lecture 4:
 Lab 4

Case studies of practical AM, FM, PM modulation: stereo transmission, superheterodyne receiver, MA-SSB signal generation,AM signals with orthogonal carriers.

 Lectures 5-6:
 More info:
 Lab 5
Response of selective circuits to modulated input signals: analytic signals, Hilbert transform, low-pass equivalent of filters.
 Lectures 7-8:  
 More info:
 Lab 8
Stability analysis of analog systems. General stability criteria. Stability criteria fo rfeedback systems: Barkhausen, Nyquist, root locus.
 Lecture 9:
 More info:
 Lab 9  
Description of analog linear systems using state equations. Controlability and observability of systems.
 Lectures 10-11: General introduction to the synthesis of electrical circuits. Approximation techniques. Frequency transformations.
 Lecture 12: Course review. Q&A. Exercises.