Special Session on:
Nonlinear Signal Processing Methods,
Devices, and Applications
Nonlinearity is known to play a central role in signal processing, and
in circuits and systems design. Although less easily tractable at theoretical
and/or practical levels, nonlinear approaches offer many new solutions
which greatly enlarge the class of techniques relying on linear methods.
This SCS 2001 special session aims at attracting contributions dealing
with theoretical, algorithmic, and implementational aspects of nonlinear
signal processing methods, involving signal modalities such as image, video,
voice, audio, and other kinds of signal modalities. Contributions from
academia and industries/SMEs with focus on the topics listed below are
This special session is organized in connection with the:
Nonlinear signal processing principles and paradigms
( fundamental properties, characterization of methods,
static and dynamical nonlinearities, (analog) time-continuous and time-discrete
nonlinear signals and systems, analog / digital / and mixed analog-digital
nonlinear signals and systems, nonlinear processes with lumped and/or distributed
parameters, polynomial / morphological / hysteretic / Neural Network (NN)
based / Cellular Neural Network (CNN) based / Cellular Nonlinear Network
(CNN) based / fuzzy based / genetic algorithm based signal processing methods
and systems, stability, limit cycles, convergence performance, robustness,
others )
Modeling of nonlinear processes, and related approximation / optimization
( modeling of nonlinear systems and/or natural (e.g.
perceptual) processes, nonlinear system identification, nonlinear model
reduction techniques, polynomial / morphological / hysteretic / statistical
/ Higher Order Statistics (HOS) based / Gaussian Mixtures Model (GMM) based
/ Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based / NN based / CNN based / fuzzy based
/ genetic algorithm based modeling of nonlinear processes, approximation
and optimization techniques to improve model accuracy, others )
Nonlinear signal processing algorithms
( signal conditioning to compensate for nonlinearities
(e.g. related to sensors / actuators), signal pre-processing, nonlinear
signal filtering, adaptive nonlinear signal filtering, signal analysis,
signal detection / identification / recognition techniques, signal restoration
/ reconstruction / enhancement, system identification and spectral estimation,
parameter estimation, others )
Software and hardware implementation, related circuits and architectures
( software implementation on general purpose and DSP
platforms; hardware implementation on dedicated analog, digital, and mixed
analog-digital hardware at circuits and systems levels; real-time processing
VLSI implementation: analog, digital, and mixed analog-digital algorithms,
device structures, and processor architectures
( algorithms amenable to efficient VLSI (CMOS / BiCMOS)
implementation, elementary VLSI operators, nonlinear electronic circuits,
dedicated devices and processor architectures, dedicated processor arrays
(e.g. Cellular Neural Networks, others), optimization methods for real-time
parallel processing; algorithm transformation and partitioning, scheduling,
and resource allocation; related programming and development tools; optimization
of implementation and computational costs, solutions for very low-power
consumption, design strategies and specific solutions to achieve best performance
by joint optimization of algorithms and architectures, others )
Dedicated modeling, simulation, and design tools
( parameterization of standard tools; Hardware Description
Languages for analog (AHDL, VHDL-A, etc.) and digital circuits (VHDL, etc.),
including extensions thereof and interfacing to standard tools; others
( Real-time software / VLSI / FPGA prototyping, prototype
testing methods, field tests, others )
Application examples
( image / video / audio / speech processing and acquisition
devices, smart sensors and actuators with embedded nonlinear processing
functionalities and devices (e.g. Silicon-based sensors and actuators for
physical / chemical / photonic signal acquisition and generation), instrumentation,
biometric-based person identity authentication / verification / recognition
for access control to secured areas or secured teleservices (relying e.g.
on face, voice, fingerprint, etc.), tele-surveillance / tele-security,
tele-services, telecommunication, multimedia, consumer market, biomedical
devices and systems, hearing aids, tele-medicine, others ).
Interested authors are requested to submit full papers following the
guidelines for electronic paper submission specified at the following web
The paper shall be accompanied by a cover sheet containing:
- full title of the paper;
- name and affiliation of authors;
- technical area (first and second choice);
- corresponding author (name, postal & e-mail addresses, telephone
& fax numbers).
To have their paper submitted to the Special Session, authors should indicate
as first choice for the technical area the following topic:
Special Session
on "Nonlinear Signal Processing Methods, Devices, and Applications"
and should send their manuscript to Email address:
. The submitted papers will undergo a peer review performed by at least
two experts.
The special session is explicitly open to any authoring team active in
the domain.
Papers that are not retained for the special session – e.g. because of
the limited time of the session – will be considered for presentation at
regular sessions of SCS 2001.
Submission of full paper: February 10th, 2001 (*)
Notification of acceptance: March 30, 2001
Camera-ready paper: May 1st, 2001
Registration: May 1st, 2001
Authoring teams having their paper accepted will be requested to commit
themselves to actually present the paper at SCS 2001, the publication of
the paper being conditioned by registration of at least one author
until May 1st, 2001.
(*) The session being prepared separately, its paper submission
deadline differs from the standard submission deadline of the Symposium.
Authors needing a short additional submission delay beyond February
10th, 2001, are requested to contact Dr. Ansorge.