Presentation Slides Requirements:
Please prepare your presentation slides in one of the following formats:
file. : PPT/PPS (MS. Office PowerPoint)
: PDF (Portable document format)
By the beginning of the session, your files will be stored temporarily on the local workstation, and loaded from there only. |
Confirmed plenary speakers: |
Asoke Kumar Nandi, The University of Liverpool, United Kingdom  |
Angel Vazquez, University of Seville, Spain |
Michael Neuhauser, Infineon Technologies Romania |
Jamal Deen, McMaster University, Canada  |
Ezra Zeheb, Technion, Israel  |
Jay Kuo, University of Southern California, USA  |
Confirmed invited papers: |
Asoke K Nandi, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom |
Daniel Foty, Gilgamesh Associates, USA |
P. C. Ching, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China |
Antonio Petraglia, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Canhui Cai, Huaqiao University, China |