
Download pre-registration form (RTF document)

Registration fee:

For Eastern European participants, a limited number of reduced fees will be accepted upon request (please contact the conference secretariat).
The publication of the paper is conditioned by registration of at least one author until May 1, 2001.

The full registration fee includes:
- admission to all conference sessions
- one copy of the proceedings
- coffee-breaks
- welcome cocktail on July 9, 2001
- conference banquet.

Conference records and extra tickets:

Full printed proceedings
Extra-ticket for the banquet
Extra-ticket for the trip

Cancellation and refund policy:

Refund of the registration fee is only possible when a written cancellation of registration reaches the Conference Secretariat before May 1, 2001. In that case, there will be a 80% refund. After this date, the registration fees are non-refundable.
