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System Level Design of DSP Architectures
Master level
No. of credits: 8
D. Gajski, S. Abdi, A. Gerstlauer, G. Schirner, Embedded Systems Design, Springer, 2009
K.K. Parhi, VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems: Design and Implementation, Wiley, 1999
System level design flow: what is needed and what is not (D. Gajski, University of California, Irvine )
ESL - A methodology for handling complexity (B. Bailey, G. Martin, A. Piziali)

High-level synthesis: past, present, and future (G. Martin, G. Smith) | A platform-based taxonomy for ESL design (D. Densmore, A. Sangiovanni-Vincetelli, R. Passerone)
General description

The course focuses on design principles and software tools related to system level design of complex DSP architectures. Hardware implementations solutions for overall power minimization and faster operating frequency are also outlined, related to pipelining and algorithm transformation (retiming, folding, unfolding). Case studies include adaptive filtering, multiresolution analysis, and oversampling data converters.

 Course outline
 Lecture 1:
 More info: 1 | 2 | 3
Overview of system level design principles. Taxonomy of Electronic System Level (ESL) tools.
 Lecture 2:
 More info: 1 | 2
Finite precision effects in DSP algorithms implementation.
 Homework 1: Adaptive channel equalization using the LMS algorithm.
theoretical background | homework | M_files
 Lecture 3:
 More info: 1 | 2 | 3
System design methodologies and terminology.
 Lecture 4:
 More info: 1 | 2
Models of computation. Synchronous data flow models. Control flow models.
 Lecture 5:
 More info:
1 | 2 | 3

Algorithmic transformations. Pipelining. Retiming.
 Homework 2 : Face recognition using PCA algorithm.
theoretical background | homework | M_files
 Lecture 6:
 More info: 1 | 2
Algorithmic transformations. Unfolding. Folding.
 Lecture 7:
 Lecture 8:
 Lecture 9:
 Lecture 10:  
 Lecture 11:
 Lecture 12:  
 Lecture 13:  
 Lecture 14: Course review. Q&A.